The October 2023 Tax & Estate Planning Knowledge Circle will be held on Tuesday, October 17th at 2 pm ET.Knowledge Circle hosts Claire Thornton and Scott Bishop will be presenting, "Overview of Retirement Accoun Complexities, Tripwires, and Planning Opportunities."
Join Claire and Scott for a discussion surrounding the status of inherited retirement account distributions and a review of other contribution and distribution rules both new and old.Claire Thornton is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM professional based in Huntington Beach, California. Claire works for Inspired Financial, a fee-only planning firm focused on helping women navigate the major life and financial transitions that come with widowhood or divorce. Claire holds her Master's in Taxation and Enrolled Agent designation. As a host for the Tax and Estate Knowledge circle, Claire enjoys the opportunity to connect with other professionals in discussing the ever-evolving space of tax and estate planning.Scott co-founded Presidio Wealth Partners in 2023. He has worked in the financial services industry since 1995. Throughout his career, Scott has focused on customizing the financial planning process to identify specific estate, business succession, investment and retirement strategies for individual clients and their businesses. Presidio’s team utilizes a very comprehensive and customized approach that helps to ensure that our clients’ planning and investment opportunities are identified and correctly focused on now and into the future.
Scott is also an Advisory Board Member and is a guest lecturer for the University of Texas McCombs School of Business Wealth Management Center. He has been active as a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) where he holds the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) accreditation. Locally, Scott has been on the Board of Directors of the Houston CPA Society and has been Chairman of the Personal Financial Planning Committee. As a thought leader in Financial Planning, Scott chairs the national Tax and Estate Planning Knowledge Circle for the Financial Planning Association (an association of CFP® certificants).
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