With spring on the way (or hopefully on the way shortly), it’s a great opportunity to do your spring cleaning. Your home isn’t the only thing that might benefit, though, as you can do a few other personal items to ensure that the rest of 2015 is successful for you. Here are three easy tips to help you succeed.
Review Taxes, Your Credit Report, and Your Budget
You’re probably already in tax mode, so go ahead and request that free credit report to see where you’re at with regard to debts. Clear up any mistakes. Look at how well you’ve been meeting your 2015 budget so far this year. Is it time to adjust? What changes can you make?
Review Estate Planning
These documents inside your estate plan should be updated on an annual basis or whenever a major life change happens (like marriage). If you’ve let this slip because you’ve been overwhelmed, you’re not alone- but it’s definitely time to get it on the calendar.
Revisit Retirement Planning
Ask for a report from your retirement plan to see how things are performing. Are you putting in enough? Look at projections to see how well your planning matches up with your expected retirement date. It might be time to tweak your contribution.
These three tips can help you accomplish several goals at once and ensure that you’re ready for the rest of 2015. Contact us at [email protected] if we can help.