
  • Coronavirus and the Effect on Current Market Conditions

    FPA is here to support you as you navigate the  turbulent times related to coronavirus and market conditions.

    What are your clients asking?  What language and advice is most useful at a time of uncertainty and volatility?  What are best practices for financial planners?

    FPA is hosting webinars for peer-to-peer conversations, sharing ideas and learning from thought leaders in our community on how to support your clients.

    Recordings Available:
    - Dr. David Yeske, former FPA president and recipient of the P. Kemp Fain Jr., Award.
    - FPA Board Member Claudia Cypher-Kane, CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, ADPA®, CDFA®, of Beacon Wealth Strategies, Raymond James Financial Services and Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA® and CES™, President & CEO of Francis Financial, Inc.
    - FPA Investment Knowledge Circle Host Raymond Benton, CFP®, CRPC® of Benton & Company, and Dennis Stearns, CFP®, President of Stearns Financial Group.
    - Jonathan Guyton, CFP®, with Cornerstone Wealth Advisors, Inc., and FPA Residency Dean. 
    - March 2020 Investment Planning KC with Rick Kahler.

    Online Community:
    Get the professional support you need to help your clients through our member-only community to discuss this important topic. Thought leaders who have experience with significant market uncertainty will be hosting this online forum where you can ask questions, share information, experience peer-to-peer learning, and receive support from your FPA community. Join the Conversation!

    Volatility Resource Center - This FPA webpage contains information and resources for FPA members, chapter leaders and financial planning professionals. It is updated regularly with new resources and updates. 

    Pro Bono Opportunities - Interested in giving back during these trying times? FPA has opportunities and resources to enable you to help underserved communities during extraordinary times.