Expanding Your Idea of Ownership

When:  Nov 14, 2018 from 15:00 to 16:00 (ET)
The November Business Success Knowledge Circle call will be held on Wednesday, November 14th at 3 PM ET.

Guest speaker Christine Slojin with FP Transitions, will be presenting, "Expanding Your Idea of Ownership."  This call will be a follow up to Christine's article in the October 2018 issue of the JFP, which you can access at 


In the last five years, hundreds of financial professionals have embraced a different path to ownership in order to advance their careers. And yet, founders and successors alike may hold biases that cause them to overlook suitable candidates and sound opportunities.

This Knowledge Circle will provide an overview of the current succession planning status, as well as ownership strategies which may be appropriate in a variety of situations. We will explore some of the road blocks experienced by both founders and next generation professionals and discuss financing strategies which may help move the conversation forward. Break out of your own biases by expanding your understanding of the options and strategies, and learn about the benefits of owning a business.

Christine has over a decade experience in business management and strategic planning for small businesses, with an emphasis on financial practices. At FP Transitions, she helped create and grow the Equity Management System, which now boasts approximately 2,000 members and 20 independent Broker-Dealers and Custodians. Christine studied European History & Politics and pursued post-bac studies in taxation and accounting. As the VP of Strategic Development and Operations, Christine is one of the chief architects of the FP Transitions vision and team.


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