Women Vulnerable in Retirement - Housing Wealth Solutions

When:  Jan 9, 2024 from 15:00 to 16:00 (ET)

The January 2024 Business Success Knowledge Circle will be held on Tuesday, January 9th at 3 pm ET.

Guest speaker Josh Blum will be presenting, "Women Vulnerable in Retirement - Housing Wealth Solutions."

Women face unique challenges in retirement such as living longer than their spouse, earning less during their career, experiencing gray divorce or solo aging. Most retired women are homeowners. In this session learn how women can be more retirement secure and experience a better retirement outcome by using a reverse mortgage to monetize their home equity.

Josh has specialized in retirement income planning for over18 years. For the last 5 years he has focused on integratinghousing wealth into planning for retirees. Today Josh is hyperspecialized in the reverse mortgage and manages a localMutual of Omaha branch and carries licenses in 17 states.

1 CFP CE Approved